Commercial HVAC Air Duct Cleaning Service

Home - Commercial HVAC Air Duct Cleaning Service

AITS offers a variety of reputable commercial air duct cleaning, dryer vent cleaning, and more with great results.

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AITS offers a variety of reputable commercial air duct cleaning, dryer vent cleaning, and more with great results.

Air Duct Cleaning for Commercial. Clean up commercial HVAC system components to enhance air conditioner performance. Improve filtration of air handler units with commercial cleaning. Prevents mold growth around the interior duct.

Our duct cleaning equipment can make your HVAC systems more efficient

Why clean air ducts?

  • Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Equipment Longevity
  • Temperature
  • Relative Humidity
  • Health & Safety
  • Air Movement
  • Air Velocity

Who will affect this?

People with asthma, lungs diseases, cardiovascular diseases Unborn babies Elderly people over 45 Young children

An unmaintained air conditioner affects your health?


Contaminants in your air conditioning unit additionally disperse your cooling system.


Inadequate volumes clog your system, blocking sufficient airflow.


This can lead to illness, allergic reactions, and respiratory ailments over time.


Limits your air conditioner's capacity to condition the temperature level of the air.

Benefits of Air Duct Cleaning


  • Improve air quality
  • Reduce the amount of dust and allergens
  • Helps to reduce the number of sick days
  • Reduce the cost of maintenance Offices
  • Improved circulation decreased dust and bacteria levels
  • A reduction in allergies reduce symptoms of respiratory problems.


  • Help to improve the overall quality of the air
  • Remove particulate matter
  • Increase the efficiency of the heating and cooling systems
  • Reduce the chances of patients
  • Developing allergies or asthma.
  • reduce the amount of bacteria