Air filter Cleaning & Maintenance
Maintenance of air filters is a part of your maintenance schedule. The air filter, therefore need to ensure that the air entering the space chamber is as clean as possible. Avoiding this simple practice can produce contaminated air which in turn causes serious health issues triggered by microbial particles and a less efficient filtration process.
Regular air filter maintenance has the following advantages:
- Improved performance – As clogged filters can have a significant, detrimental effect on how the air flows, it reduces the AC unit power.
- Improved Indoor Air Quality - Failure to maintain the air filter will cause a serious health issues and skin allergies. Therefore, it must be taken care of.
- Prolonged Performance of AC unit – Without any doubt, the air filter traps the dirt and other debris to cause backdraft in the Units. Don’t neglect the smallest debris as even those as small as a grain of sand can significantly block the airflow, with the potential for the blockade to airflow, it will lower the efficiency of units and air quality